First, contact the NEBRA or NEWEA office to obtain your membership discount code:
NEWEA (, 781-939-0908)
NEBRA (, 603-323-7654)

Then go here...

All NEBRA/NEWEA members must be sure to select "NEBRA/NEWEA Member" as their "Registration Type.”  This will allow you to apply the NEBRA/NEWEA discount code for the REFOR15 Conference and/or the Biosolids Symposium.  
NOTE:  Valid membership will be checked.

On the “Admission Items” page, choose “TWO DAY, BioCycle REFOR15…$625” if you want to register for both the Biosolids Symposium and REFOR15.  (Otherwise, just choose which day you want to attend.)  You will then add the Biosolids Symposium on the next page, under “Add Events."  

When you arrive on the payment page (having made sure to select the NEBRA/NEWEA Member Registration Type at the beginning), you will see a field labeled "Enter Discount Code …"

A)  If you are attending BOTH REFOR15 and the Biosolids Symposium, enter each of the codes you were given, individually, clicking “Apply" each time.

B)  If you are attending REFOR15 only, enter the code you were given ("r.......") for the REFOR15 discount:
Standard: $445
After Oct 6: $495

C)  If you are attending the Biosolids Symposium only, enter the code ("s.......") for the Monday Symposium discount:
Standard: $170
After Oct. 6: $200

Upon clicking apply, the discounted rate will appear next to the related registration item.  There is no member discount for the tours.    

The discount code for the Symposium ("s........) is also available to all NEBRA/NEWEA members who register for REFOR15 as "Speaker", "Exhibitor", etc.

Methods of payment accepted include Visa, MasterCard, and American Express (the preferred methods). Checks accepted, if necessary. 

NEWEA members may use the P. O. (purchase order) option for payment, if necessary, and an invoice will be sent.

Details about the conference are here  and here.