NEBRA's 2018 Annual Conference
Halifax, Novia Scotia
September 9 - 12, 2018
“It was the best biosolids conference of the decade.” (Participant)
It's a Wrap: NEBRA's 20th Conference (2017)
Biosolids & residuals recycling advances soil health, renewable energy, & community sustainability. But doing more with these organics adds complexity, opportunities, & challenges. It takes research, experience, technology, communication – topics that were addressed at this destination event for wastewater utility staff, managers, companies, engineers, policy-makers, and biosolids & residuals users from around New England, New York, Quebec, and beyond.
Bob Fischer welcomes the crowd on behalf of GMWEA, with an important message: everybody poops....
NEWEA Conference Webpage
Below are the slides presented at the Conference. These are provided here for individual private use only. Please contact the authors for any other use or duplication.
Session 1: Welcome to Vermont
Larry Doyle: Net Zero Drives Renewal at Montpelier, VT
John Reilly: 15 Years of 2PAD
Meredith Zona: New Mixers at St. Johnsbury
Eamon Twohig: VT Practices, Laws, & Regulations Update
Session 2: Research
Jim Jutras (left) leads the tour at the Essex Junction WRRF.
Cairn Ely: Root-Associated Bacteria for Soil Health
Claude-Alla Joseph: Phosphate Fertilizer Value of Sludge Incineration Ashes
Mudit Gangal: Startup & Performance of High-Throughput Deammonification
Chul Park: Sludge Minimization with Anaerobic Side-Stream Reactor
Chris Peot: Developing Product Blends for Urban Uses
Session 3: Hot Topics
Frank Sapienza: Innovative Mercury Control
Ned Beecher: Remarkable Benefits of Recycling Biosolids to Soils
Michael Rainey: PFAS in Wastewater Residuals - What We Know
Session 4: Think C
Tracy Chouinard: Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Biosolids Management Decision-Making
Sergio Pino-Jelcic: Approaching Energy Neutrality with Carbon Diversion
Chris Peot: Carbon Considerations in Biosolids Management
Bienvenue au Québec
Natalie Sierra (NEWEA Residuals Chair) & Mary Barry (NEWEA Executive Director): with Janice Moran, they made NEWEA a great partner on this conference.
Patricia Goulet: Biosolids Management in Quebec
Serge Loubier: Fertilizing Residuals & the New Permit-By-Notification System
Session 5: Anaerobic Digestion
Natalie Sierra: To Codigest or Not to Codigest?
Matt Williams: Cortland WWTF: Digester Upgrades and CHP Integration
Chris Muller: Are Your Digesters Burping, Frothing, or Otherwise Not Behaving?
Cissy Ma: Comparative Life Cycle Assessment & Cost Analysis of Bath, NY WRRF Upgrades
Session 6: Phosphorus
Mike Potash / Andrew Carpenter: Field Trials Using Water Treatment Residuals to Reduce Plant-Available P
Geoff Kuter: Phosphorus in Biosolids Composts and Risks to Water Quality
Ned Beecher (not presented): P Regulations in MA, etc.
(Read about the "Rosie the Riveter" image.)
Many thanks to these supporters!
"We mustered in Cromwell...."
Someday, wastewater historians may look back on 2016 as a harbinger of a revolution in solids management in the Northeast. And Connecticut – the “still revolutionary” state – is the epicenter. That’s why this annual conference was here, in Cromwell.
More about the conference...
FINAL Conference Agenda
Session 1: Soils & Solids & Planning
Perl Egendorf & Cheng: Organic Waste in Urban Agriculture: The NY City Clean Soil Bank Pilot Study
Dwinal: Biosolids Stabilization in Concord, NH
Ellis: The New York City DEP Biosolids Program: A Review and Update
Session 2: Incineration - Current Status
Almquist: Impact of New Federal Air Emissions Requirements for Sewage Sludge Incinerators in New England
Hamkins & Simonian: Impacts of New SSI Standards on Mattabassett District's Operations & Meeting NOx Limits
Tyler: Hartford, CT MDC Onsite Energy Generation & Energy Efficiency
Session 3: Composting
Alix: The Return of Big Composting
Fuchs: Albany, OR Implements Composting Solution - Contact author for information.
Norton & Michelangelo: Fairfield, CT Biosolids Composting Success Story
KEYNOTE - Sierra & Kester: Biosolids Combat Climate Change - What Can We Learn From CA?
Session 4: Regulation Roundtable
Kelley: Update from Vermont DEC (no slides)
Gordon & Houston: New NH Biosolids Regulations 2016
Foy: Update from Prince Edward Island (no slides)
Contact the NEBRA office for additional regulatory information from other states & provinces.
Session 5: Digestion - Technical Details
Chouinard: Lab Scale Thermophilic Startup Influencing Full Scale Startup at San Francisco
Descheneau: New England's First Linear Motion Mixer - A Success Story
McKiernan: Bioenergy & Digestate Improvements at Akron, OH
Sowitcky & Weidner: Schlepping Southington, CT Sludge While Saving Scents
Session 6: Digestion - Planning & Case Studies
Clough & Bevington: Start-up of Virginia's Newest Co-Digestion Facility
Muller: Anaerobic Digestion - Opportunities to Optimize the Process
The Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Symposium
October 19, 2015
Doubletree Boston North Shore
part of BioCycle REFOR15
Biosolids are part of the universe of organics being recycled for energy, carbon, and nutrients. This conference brought it all together: networking with everyone involved in the organics management world, in a state (Massachusetts) that's leading the way in organics diversion & recycling!
We at NEBRA, along with the NEWEA Residuals Management Committee, appreciate the skilled presenters and quality presentations, below. We thank BioCycle for the collaboration. And we thank Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (NEBRA Member) and the others who opened their doors for the conference tours.
Jason Turgeon, U. S. EPA Region 1, summarizes the Integrated Resource Management process underway at New Bedford, MA.
Download presentation.
Elaine Sistare, Chair, NEWEA Residuals Management Committee, moderates. C. Tyler photo.
David Harding (Agresource), winner of power tools in NEBRA Raffle 2015
Richard Weare explains planned co-digestion project at GLSD REFOR15 tour.
Marc Hébert, Quebec environment ministry. C. Tyler photo.
C. Tyler photo
Dr. Sally Brown (Univ. of WA) speaks at the NEWEA/NEBRA "Hot Topics" session at REFOR15.
Keynote speaker Natalie Lounsbury. C. Tyler photo.
Session 1: Biosolids Program Planning
Sierra: Biosolids Planning from an End-Use Perspective
LeBlanc: N-Viro Halifax: The Dunbrack Comeback
Session 2: Technology Choices
Fulford: Biofilter Odor Control, Water Reclamation, and Compost Heat Recovery
Wright: Towards Net-Zero Energy in Wastewater: Demonstration of Clear Cove’s Harvester Technology
Hankins: Challenges in Selecting New Biosolids Treatment & Disposal Equipment for the Mattabassett WPCF, Cromwell, CT
Session 3: Building Up Soils
Lounsbury: Residuals and the Soil Health Awakening
Kuter: After 40+ Years Successfully Composting Biosolids, Merrimack NH Plans for the Future
Session 4: Regional Research - Available Phosphorus
Hébert and Khiari: Biosolids Phosphorus Plant Availability Modeling
Héberti: Sludge Ash as Chemical Phosphorus Fertilizer
Session 5: Regional Research - Treatments
Abouhend: Algal Sludge Granules as a Novel Technique for Wastewater Treatment
Brown: Use of Biosolids Product as a Carbon Source for Biological Nutrient Removal
Fava: Use of Stabilized Biosolids and Composts to Promote Establishment & Persistence of Perennial Vegetation Along Rhode Island Roads
October 22 & 23, 2014
Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks
So. Portland, ME
Final 2014 Conference Program
Intermission Slides
Welcome & Introduction by Aubrey Strause, President, MEWEA: download
Session 1
Hamkins: The Power of FOG
Porter: Managing Food-Waste-Management Odors
Wingler: Scheduling Optimal Anaerobic Digestion Feeding for Co-digestion Operations
Muller: Full-Scale Case Study of Rapid Volume Expansion of Digester Contents
Johnson: An Anaerobic Digestion System Integrate with Wastewater Treatment
Session 2
Van Horne: Standing at a Crossroad - Navigating Biosolids Management Decisions
Carpenter: Triple Bottom Line Analysis of Biosolids Management Options
Giraldo: Ridgewood, NJ - An Energy-Positive, Cash-Positive Wastewater Treatment Plant
Richardson: 25 Years In the Biosolids
Session 3
Spargimino: Sidestream Nutrient Considerations & Harvesting
Wenger: Struvite - The MWRA Experience
Lunchtime Technology Presentations
Therma-Flite - not available
Crown Disintegrator
Session 4
McDonnell: Class B Land Application - It's Alive!
Sierra: Using a Biosolids Management System to Advance Quality Practices
Session 5: Regulation Roundtable
Hosier: Regulatory Update - Nova Scotia
Hopkins: Maine Odor Regulations & Other Recent Developments
Rainey: New Hampshire Wastewater Residuals - Regulatory Challenges
Twohig: Residuals Management in Vermont
Cooper: Massachusetts Commercial Organics Waste Ban
"FROM 503 TO INFINITY" (2013)
October 29-30, 2013
Courtyard Marriott, Grappone Center
Concord, NH
Tour: Manchester Incinerator Upgrades (poster)
Session 1: 503... 20 YEARS LATER
Rubin: Part 503 - Then & Now
Chaney: 503 -The Research on Metal and Chemical Standards and Risk Assessment
Smith: Review of U. S. Guidance and Regulations for Sludge Disinfection and Stabilization
Supplementary papers on pathogens and vector attraction reduction:
Smith: Historical Review of U. S. Guidance and Regulations For Sludge Disinfection and Stabilization
Smith: Controlling Pathogens and Stabilizing Sludge/Biosolids - A Global Perspective
Session 2: 503... TODAY
Formica and McNeill: Getting It Hot - Upgrading a Fluidized Bed Incinerator in Manchester, NH
Khunjar: Extractive Nutrient Recovery as a Green Option for Managing Phosphorus
McDonnell: Operational Efficiencies in Biosolids Transportation & Processing to Reduce Carbon Impact
Rudenko: Utilizing Excess Anaerobic Digestion Capacity to Process Source Separated Organics
Kuo-Dahab: Investigating Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Sewage Sludge and Food Waste
Donovan: Co-Digestion at Deer Island Treatment Plant
Van Horne: Taking WAS Out of the Waste - Sludge Pretreatment for Beneficial Uses
Rohrbacher: Somersworth Water Treatment Residuals (WTR)
Macdonald: Operational Realities
Carpenter: Water Treatment Residuals
Ripple: Beneficially Reusing Industrial Wastewaters and Waste By-products
Richardson: Wastewater Anaerobic Digestion Comes to Maine
Hanson and Connelly: Using Residuals to Improve New England Soils
Van Ham: Keynote - Biosolids as a Tool for Solving Others' Challenges ("Being A Superhero with Biosolids")
Litwiller: Public Consultation - Consistency & Transparency
Alix: Technology & Hubris vs. Common Sense