The desktop Google maps aerial of the Blue Sphere AD site shows just grass (above), but the newer mobile Google maps aerial shows the full facility (below). Accessed 11/4/17.
New Rhode Island Digester Is Operating
NEBRA helped facilitate a tour on October 6th of the new Blue Sphere anaerobic digester (AD) complex near the Central Landfill in Johnston, RI. This facility takes in source-separate food scraps and other organic residuals (but not biosolids) and processes it in a biopulper before digestion. The biogas produced runs a 3.2 MW combined heat & power (CHP) system that provides electricity to the grid through an interconnection agreement with National Grid. Blue Sphere is developing a similar facility in Charlotte, NC and has several digesters operating in Italy that process energy crops and vegetable oils. Thanks go to Barry Wenskowicz (Narragansett Bay Commission) for organizing this tour.
Meanwhile, NEBRA is planning to tour another new AD complex – Connecticut’s first such facility – in Southington. It is owned and operated by Quantum Biopower and is beginning to divert an expected 40,000 tons of food waste per year from local food waste generators including Shop Rite, the Aqua Turf Club, and the Farmington Club. The facility will produce 1.2 megawatts of electricity and 10,000 tons per year of organic compost. Watch for the tour announcement (events page).
Photos courtesy of Lissa Ham, Synagro: