January 31, 2017
Have AD? Co-digest food waste?
Please help with this survey...
Led by Melissa Pennington of Region 3, U. S. EPA is collecting data about food waste digesters and how much food waste is digested. We strongly support this effort! These data will help show the benefits of AD & biogas systems and the need to develop more organics recycling capacity, build more digesters! Melissa Pennington has jumped through hoops to be able to conduct this survey. Please help by answering the questions.
You might be contacted directly. But, if not, and you process food waste, please send Melissa a short email right now (pennington.melissa@epa.gov).
Melissa is a good friend of NEBRA, and although she's situated at a regional office, she has headquarters responsibilities, including EPA tech team lead for biogas, lead for intra-office coordination (between, air, water, solid waste, etc.), and co-author of the EPA's Whitepaper: Anaerobic Digestion and its Applications. Please help her if she reaches out to you!
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes that biogas facilities provide an environmentally beneficial management option for organic wastes and values your contribution to making our environment better. Development of biogas facilities increases organics recycling capacity, which is critical to meeting the country's food waste diversion goals. Quality data are needed to facilitate this increase in capacity.
If you process food waste and do not receive a survey from U. S. EPA - please contact Melissa Pennington.