Caltrans, in partnership with CalRecycle, University of California Riverside, University of Washington, Filtrexx Sustainable Technologies, Salix Applied Earthcare, United States Composting Council, California Compost Coalition, and R. Alexander Associates, Inc., is presenting two half-day workshops on August 26-27 (PST) that focus on the use of compost-based best management practices (BMPs) to improve roadside revegetation, control erosion, filter stormwater, reduce runoff, and improve stormwater quality. In addition to rolling out innovative methods of improving water quality, these workshops will provide participants with the opportunity to ask questions of a diverse team of experts. The workshop team consists of University professionals, researchers, soil scientists, California compost industry professionals, Caltrans landscape architects, and other subject matter experts. These workshops are only available by webinar. This is a free webinar. For more information, click here.
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Earlier Event: August 21
California's Organics Diversion Law and Its Impacts on the Wastewater Sector
Later Event: August 28
Lunch & Learn About an Innovative PFAS Solids Treatment Technology