Biosolids composting at Moncton relies on specialty fabric covers to ensure quality, reduce odors, and control moisture. The facility processes >10,000 tons of wastewater solids annually.
The Greater Moncton Wastewater Commission continues to make consistent, high quality compost from the solids produced at the wastewater treatment facility serving Moncton, Riverview, and Dieppe, New Brunswick. The Moncton composting operation has long been recognized as a leader in the field, with coverage in numerous trade publications and the general media (see CBC coverage of November 2014).
The TransAqua compost holds the highest quality designation in North America: "AA" certified by the BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Québec), CAN/BNQ 0413-200/2005, 2005 edition.
TransAqua's pride in producing quality biosolids led to Moncton hosting the 2007 International Water Association (IWA) world Biosolids Specialists Conference in June, 2007, at which scores of countries were represented and tours of the TransAqua (then Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission) biosolids compost facility were a highlight.
Opening session at the IWA Biosolids Specialist Conference, June 2007, Moncton, NB.
In 2008, TransAqua was once again the driving force behind another major international recognition of the importance of biosolids recycling – The Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management: Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global Resource (UN-HABITAT).
Two years later, in June 2010, TransAqua (then GMSC) became the first organization in Canada to become certified under the National Biosolids Partnership Environmental Management System (EMS) program - another recognition of quality!
Moncton Commission Chair Ron Leblanc receives NBP EMS certification from NBP representative Jeanette Brown.
“It is crystal clear that, in addition to clean air, the well-being of our planet also requires that water, wastewater, and the resulting biosolids (sludge) need to be managed more seriously and in a focused, coordinate, and cooperative manner.”